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Moz Domain Authority (DA) vs Google Page Rank

Published Jan 18, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), website owners are constantly bombarded with an alphabet soup of metrics. Two of the most frequently encountered terms are Moz Domain Authority (DA) and Google PageRank (PR). While both attempt to measure a website's authority and ranking potential, they originate from different sources and serve distinct purposes.

This blog post unpacks the intricacies of DA and PR, explores their strengths and limitations, and equips you with actionable insights to navigate the ever-changing SEO landscape.

Understanding Moz Domain Authority (DA):

Developed by SEO software giant Moz, Domain Authority (DA) is a proprietary metric designed to predict a website's ranking potential on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). DA scores range from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of ranking well in search results.

How is DA Calculated?

Moz's complex algorithm factors in a multitude of variables to determine a website's DA score. While the exact formula remains a closely guarded secret, some of the well-known ranking factors include:

  • Root Linking Domains: The number of unique websites linking to your domain.
  • Link Quality: The authority and relevance of the linking websites. A high-quality backlink from a reputable website carries more weight than a link from a low-quality source.
  • Link Profile Diversity: A natural backlink profile with links from various sources is preferable to one dominated by a few websites.
  • On-Page SEO: Moz considers on-page SEO factors like keyword usage, content quality, and website structure to a certain extent.

What Does DA Tell You?

While not a direct ranking factor used by Google, a high DA score suggests a strong overall SEO foundation. This translates to:

  • Increased Visibility: Websites with high DA tend to rank higher in search results, potentially leading to more organic traffic.
  • Improved Credibility: A strong backlink profile indicates that other websites find your content valuable and trustworthy.
  • Competitive Advantage: High DA can give you an edge over competitors with weaker SEO profiles.

The Demise of Google PageRank (PR):

Originally launched in 1996, Google PageRank (PR) was a revolutionary algorithm that assigned a numerical value to each webpage based on the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to it. Pages with more backlinks from high-authority websites received higher PR scores, indicating greater importance in Google's eyes.

However, Google stopped publicly displaying PR scores in 2016. While PR is still a factor in Google's ranking algorithm, its exact weight and influence remain a mystery.

Key Differences Between DA and PR:

Here's a table summarizing the key differences between DA and PR:

FeatureMoz Domain Authority (DA)Google PageRank (PR)
Publicly DisplayedYesNo (since 2016)
Score Range1-1000-10
PurposePredict S.R PotentialMeasure Link Importance
Direct Ranking FactorNoYes (but weight unknown)

Why Are Both DA and PR Still Relevant?

Even though PR is no longer publicly displayed, understanding both DA and PR can be beneficial for SEO purposes:

  • DA as a Benchmark: While not a Google ranking factor, DA offers a valuable benchmark for comparing your website's authority to competitors.
  • Focus on Quality Backlinks: Although the exact PR system remains a secret, prioritizing high-quality backlinks remains a core SEO principle. Websites with strong backlink profiles tend to have high DA scores and likely rank well in search results.

Strategies to Increase Domain Authority and Page Authority (PA):

While directly manipulating DA is impossible, you can implement strategies to build a strong backlink profile and improve your overall SEO health, indirectly impacting your DA and website ranking potential. Here are some key strategies:

  • Create High-Quality Content: Publish valuable, informative, and engaging content that attracts organic links from other websites.
  • Guest Blogging: Contribute guest posts to reputable websites within your niche. This earns you backlinks and increases brand awareness.
  • Link Building Outreach: Proactively reach out to relevant websites and request backlinks to your high-quality content.
  • Optimize for On-Page SEO: Ensure your website has proper title tags, meta descriptions, internal linking structure, and optimized images.
  • Technical SEO Audit: Identify and fix technical SEO issues like website speed problems, broken links and mobile-friendliness.
  • Social Media Promotion: Promote your content on social media platforms to increase website traffic and brand visibility. While social shares don't directly impact DA, they can indirectly contribute to link building and brand awareness.

Why Partner with OnlinXP to Improve Your Domain Authority and SEO?

At OnlinXP, we understand the complexities of SEO and the importance of building a strong online presence. Our team of experienced SEO specialists can help you develop and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy that goes beyond just increasing DA:

  • Competitor Analysis: We'll analyze your competitor's backlinks and SEO strategies to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Link Building Campaigns: Our team can develop targeted link-building campaigns to acquire high-quality backlinks from relevant websites.
  • Content Marketing Strategy: We'll help you create a content marketing strategy that attracts organic links and boosts your website's authority.
  • On-Page Optimization: Our SEO experts will optimize your website's on-page elements to improve search engine ranking potential.
  • Technical SEO Audit and Fix: We'll identify and address any technical SEO issues that might be hindering your website's performance.
  • Regular Reporting and Analysis: OnlinXP provides ongoing reporting and analysis to track your progress and make data-driven decisions to optimize your SEO strategy.

By working with OnlinXP, you can elevate your website's authority, attract more organic traffic, and achieve sustainable growth in search engine rankings.


Understanding the distinctions between Moz Domain Authority (DA) and Google PageRank (PR) empowers you to make informed decisions about your SEO strategy. While DA isn't a direct ranking factor, it serves as a valuable benchmark for measuring authority and prioritizing link building efforts. OnlinXP offers a comprehensive suite of SEO services to help you build a strong online presence, improve your DA, and achieve long-term success in search engine results.

Partner with OnlinXP today for a free SEO consultation! Let's discuss your website's unique needs and develop a customized strategy to propel your website to the top of search engine results pages.

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